
December 26, 2005

DT Rants

Filed under: Uncategorized — saturdaysoftball @ 10:22 pm

We finally play, after FOUR weeks of no ball. In all my years of playing at SAS, this is the longest dry spell we’ve ever encountered. We’ve lost a lot of good folks this year, and hopefully the bleeding will stop soon. We need to do some recruiting as well.
It was a pretty good game though, we started game 1 with the small live ball from 5 weeks ago, and it rocked West Coast Park. We switched to the normal sized ball for the second game, and it showed that our international ladies were much more adept at the regulation sized ball.
Btw, the line drive Jo hit through Ricky, was a home run. It got by Sandman as well. Of course, Rickey’s famous last words were “I want it my way.”, then POWWWWW…. the ball cuts through the air aiming for his head. The last time I saw rickey move that quick was in Malaysia when he got off the boat from Tioman looking for a loo to release 2 cups of coffee and a diet coke.
The quote of the day was “No, I’m not ok. What kind of fucking question is that?” After Noorlin puts her foot down on her relationship with Rube….. literally, with metal cleats…

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